The ISS or International Space Station has provided a second home for astronauts in space and was the biggest breakthrough of a having a livable environment in space. It has survived many years out in space, orbiting the earth and becoming a pinnacle of success for several international space programs that worked together to create this marvel. Here are some amazing facts about the International Space Station that you may have not known :
- The ISS had its inception in 1998 and is currently 17 years old
- It has been occupied for 5,187 days and has circled the Earth 92,357 times
- The first piece of the space station was put in orbit in the year 1998, but the assembly actually took place over 12 years till it was finally completed in 2011
- The ISS is traveling at 17,500 mph as it orbits the earth
- The smallest piece of debris, the size of a golf ball can cause immense damage to the ISS if it were to collide with it while in orbit
- The ISS is certified to stay in space only till 2020, it may be extended if the cost of sending supplies to the ISS can become less costly
- The ISS can only hold a crew of 6 at one time
- There are 21 space centres all over the world involved with the ISS
- The ISS is visible to the naked eye, if you catch it at the right time. Websites such as heavens above let people know when to expect the ISS to pass over their region
- The total cost of building the ISS has been as of 2010 , $150 billion